Web Design
Here are a few different site pages / sites I have designed over the past few years. Most recently I have been able to design several pages for Southwire.com and a few other freelance projects.
These are a few of my favorites.
Southwire.com Home Page
For this site I was tasked with creating navigation icons for our service/industry pages.
Utility Page for Southwire.com
Renewables Page for Southwire.com
Renewables Page for Southwire.com continued.
Building Solutions Page for Southwire.com
This is the home page of a site in which I was given the opportunity to create from scratch.
A continuation of the woodshomeproducts.com Home Page.
A continuation of the woodshomeproducts.com Home Page.

Here is a shot of a product page from woodshomeproducts.com
This is the home page to another site I was tasked with modernizing.
Here is a shot of a product page from garvinindustries.com
Here is another shot of a product page from garvinindustries.com
DCNcables.com. This site was created previously by an outsourced company for Southwire® and I had been given the task of making site adjustments to match Southwire's brand guidelines. The site was previously accented with green.
Here is another shot from DCNcables.com
This was an one my earlier web design assignments and was tasked with creating a landing page for the company Road Power®.
Site design for Benson-Ross company